Information on image dimensions. (2024)



Information on image dimensions. (2)

Aug 1, 2014
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  • Sunday at 6:29 AM
  • #1

I was developing a tutorial for organizing projects, so I'm feeling a bit lazy. I would like to advance my work, if anyone has already done something similar, which is the number of image dimensions of the rtp. Be it in any maker, ace, 2k, xp, mz and mv. I already have the mv measurements in a little over 80% and I still haven't seen the enemy images. For example, this number is 144x144 or 48x48.


Forewarner of the Black Wind

Information on image dimensions. (4)

Jul 2, 2014
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  • Sunday at 8:17 AM
  • #2

What is the purpose of this? For the majority of the images, there are no restrictions on their size. And the ones that do need a specific size are clearly described in the editor's instructions.

I'm not sure I get the point of making a tutorial telling people "the images that come in your new project are this size, but that doesn't actually matter."



Information on image dimensions. (8)

Aug 1, 2014
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  • Sunday at 9:15 AM
  • #3

The tutorial is about resources, I'm in the practical phase of the thing, I had 40g now I have 30g, I intend to create an automated system in Python, I recently learned how to use a .bat file but it seems that it doesn't support images so I should use Power Shell but Python is better.
These are RPG Maker resources, the kind that we find out there and download, but there are many images in various places I'm optimizing things here, yes I intend to show how I did it in the end, I started 4 days ago.


Ace Attorney

Information on image dimensions. (10)

Sep 13, 2015
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  • Sunday at 10:59 AM
  • #4

Eternidade_1 said:

The tutorial is about resources, I'm in the practical phase of the thing, I had 40g now I have 30g, I intend to create an automated system in Python, I recently learned how to use a .bat file but it seems that it doesn't support images so I should use Power Shell but Python is better.
These are RPG Maker resources, the kind that we find out there and download, but there are many images in various places I'm optimizing things here, yes I intend to show how I did it in the end, I started 4 days ago.

What exactly are you saying here? You're gonna need to take another crack at explaining, because this post of yours makes little sense.



Information on image dimensions. (12)

Aug 1, 2014
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  • Sunday at 11:32 AM
  • #5

I'll try to explain.

Let's suppose that on my PC there are 55 thousand images of different dimensions, all used for RPG Maker.

There is a standard for them, which is the dimension, although some exceptions are noticed, most of the images follow a standard dimension.

So, to organize them I put them in folders with a specific name, for example, all the images with dimensions of 32x32 in the XP 32x32 folder.

What I wanted is a list with the dimension numbers, this would be very useful since it would save me from installing VX Ace again just to check the sizes I need.

About automation, it is a process of moving images to a folder, I think the script will request the correct measurement to move to the specific folder, this is theoretically, I'm still checking the organization of the graphics, cleaning the duplicates.

did it get better?


Forewarner of the Black Wind

Information on image dimensions. (14)

Jul 2, 2014
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  • Sunday at 11:40 AM
  • #6

Eternidade_1 said:

There is a standard for them, which is the dimension, although some exceptions are noticed, most of the images follow a standard dimension.

What I tried to explain in my first reply to you is that's not correct.

The only images that must follow any kind of standard dimensions are tilesheets and face sets.

Of everything else you use, the only thing off the top of my head that even has a standard cel size is animations, but you can have a widely varying number of frames so the overall image dimensions are not going to be at all the same from file to file.

I suppose title screens for people using the default window size for each maker, if anyone makes title screens that you're downloading.

I don't understand why you'd be trying to approach this by image dimensions instead of simply sorting things into appropriate folders as you download them.

I will also mention, since this really sounds like you're using some kind of Web crawler or automated process to just hoard resources - it's very important to know who created a given file and what their terms of use are.



Information on image dimensions. (18)

Aug 1, 2014
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  • Sunday at 11:50 AM
  • #7


Ace Attorney

Information on image dimensions. (21)

Sep 13, 2015
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  • Sunday at 12:09 PM
  • #8

Eternidade_1 said:

did it get better?

Yeah, now we see what you meant.

That said, Turan has a point. Animation files alone can be of varying dimensions.

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Information on image dimensions. (2024)


What are the image dimensions? ›

The dimensions of an image correspond to its size, expressed in pixels, for example: 600px x 200px. As a reminder, pixels are a set of points that make up an image. The number of points present in the image constitutes the definition of the image.

How do I find the dimensions of an image? ›

On a PC (Windows 10):

If you do not see this, click the View ribbon tab and then Details Pane: You can also right-click on an image & choose properties from the drop-down menu. A new window will appear with several tabs. You'll click the details tab, and there you'll find you image size and dimensions.

How do you describe the size of an image? ›

The Basics:

Image Size is the term given to describe the height and width of an image in pixels. Maximum Image Size is determined by the megapixels of a given camera - for example, a 10-megapixel camera will give a maximum image size of 2592 by 3872 pixels.

How to write a dimension in an image? ›

The Graphics' industry standard is width by height (width x height). Meaning that when you write your measurements, you write them from your point of view, beginning with the width. So the answer if dealing with photography, digital images of graphics is width x height.

How do I change the dimensions of a photo? ›

Open the image you want to resize in Preview. Click on the "Tools" menu and select "Adjust Size". In either the "Width" or the "Height" field, enter the new pixel count desired. Make sure the "Scale Proportionally" box is ticked to keep the same aspect ratio.

What is the most common photo dimension? ›

4 x 6 inches.

This is perhaps the most common photo size in print. This size of photo fits perfectly into a 3:2 aspect ratio. If you take a photo using this ratio, you shouldn't have to crop out any of the image to make it fit.

Are dimensions the same as pixels? ›

A pixel is a piece of digital information. A particular point will register as on/off, light/dark, red/blue, etc. A dimension is just any measurement. So you could refer to a pixel as a color dimension, or a light dimension, etc.

How many dimensions are there in a photo? ›

Images may be two-dimensional, such as a photograph, or three-dimensional, such as a statue or a hologram. An image in a broad sense also refers to any two-dimensional figure such as a map, a graph, a pie chart, or an abstract painting.

How are picture dimensions measured? ›

All frames are measured using the inside dimensions, height and width. So if you have a 30x40cm image, you need to order a 30x40cm frame. IIt's common to assume the dimensions relate to the outer edges.

How do I specify the size of an image? ›

Tip: Always specify both the height and width attributes for images. If height and width are set, the space required for the image is reserved when the page is loaded. However, without these attributes, the browser does not know the size of the image, and cannot reserve the appropriate space to it.

How do I read the size of an image? ›

Open the image in File Explorer to check dimensions and file size:
  1. Type "File Explorer" into the search bar.
  2. Open File Explorer.
  3. Find the image you want to check.
  4. Place your cursor over the image name until the hover text with the image dimensions appears.
Sep 2, 2020

How is image size represented? ›

In order to represent an image, one method is to store it as if it were a grid of coloured squares, with each colour represented by a unique binary pattern. The image dimensions and the number of colours used are factors that affect the size of the image file.

What is the dimension of an image? ›

Image dimensions are the length and width of a digital image. It is usually measured in pixels, but some graphics programs allow you to view and work with your image in the equivalent inches or centimeters. Depending on what you plan to use your image for you may want to change the image size.

What comes first in art width or height? ›

Fine art is listed as Height x Width x Depth in inches or centimeters. Paintings are measured by height first, followed by width. Sculptures and three-dimensional installations are measured by height, width, and depth.

What is dimension in digital image? ›

Image Size is the dimension - length and width - of an image in digital format. This can be measured in pixels (px), the format we use, or inches etc. Image Resolution, or dpi, is the amount of dots per square inch of an image when it is printed.

What ratio is 1080x1350? ›

Portrait: 1080 x 1350 pixels, 4:5 aspect ratio.

What are the 3 dimensions of a film image? ›

3-D, motion-picture process that gives a three-dimensional quality to film images. It is based on the fact that humans perceive depth by viewing with both eyes. In the 3-D process, two cameras or a twin-lensed camera are used for filming, one representing the left eye and the other the right.

What is the JPEG dimension? ›

JPEG/JFIF supports a maximum image size of 65,535×65,535 pixels, hence up to 4 gigapixels for an aspect ratio of 1:1.

What are the dimensions of a 16:9 image? ›

16:9 Ratio Defined

Examples of 16:9 ratios are 16 inches wide by 9 inches high, 32 widgets wide by 18 widgets high, and 1920 pixels wide by 1080 pixels high. An image has a 16:9 ratio if its width-to-height ratio is equal to 16/9, or 1.78. A 16:9 ratio can also be represented as 1.78:1.

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